Well overnight I got incredibly paranoid about losing the Beatmania harddrive and decided to order a CF card and IDE adapter, today I pre-emptively backed up the image using chdman, it went just fine:

We’ll see how it does when i try to write it. Assuming it works I’ll upload this somewhere.


I also attempted to 3d model one of the beacon domes for F14 tomcat. I’m going to attempt a print shortly, here it is in all its glory:


To be continued!


Well I continued to fuel my addiction and bought a Beatmania arcade cabinet. First off, this thing is MASSIVE. Specific dimensions are: 39″x44″x75″. This makes my six slot look tiny. I have a bit of work ahead of myself:

  1. Clean it up
  2. Recap and calibrate the monitor
  3. Fix general chips on the frame
  4. Convert the HDD to an SSD or a CF card
  5. Probably more!

I’m pretty excited to start this project as I haven’t really done much arcade stuff and have left this blog to rot for a while. I’ve also found a cap list an manual online for the monitor, which I’m going to record on here for reference. The display is a Toei TC-L292

Cap list:

  • 4x 16V 10uF
  • 1x 16V 22uF
  • 1x 16V 22uF bipolar
  • 1x 16V 33uF
  • 1x 16V 47uF
  • 3x 16V 100uF
  • 1x 16V 220uF
  • 3x 16V 470uF
  • 1x 16V 1000uF
  • 1x 25V 1000uF
  • 4x 35V 4.7uF
  • 1x 35V 4.7uF bipolar
  • 2x 35V 47uF
  • 2x 35V 100uF
  • 2x 35V 1000uF
  • 5x 50V 1uF
  • 2x 50V 2.2uF bipolar
  • 1x 50V 4.7uF bipolar
  • 1x 50V 10uF
  • 1x 100V 47uF
  • 1x 160V 47uF
  • 1x 160V 470uF
  • 1x 180V 680uF
  • 2x 250V 22uF
  • 1x 250V 100uF

Manual: 34_toei_tc_l292k_manual

Cloning the HDD or finding ISOs will probably be an issue. I imagine it’ll be possible to make a few different CF cards if I can just find the content, as a lot of the Beatmania cabinets run off the same hardware.

Much much more to come on this!



Also up….

I bought an F14 Tomcat Pinball last year, and am finally going to get around to refurbishing it. I have an LED kit on the way and am working on tracking down a plastics kit. This should be pretty straightforward as it’s overall in great shape. But just for kicks, here are a couple of pictures.