Just a quick update. I performed the PSOne LED Mod to my screen to save battery life, and because the the backlight burned out. It went fairly smoothly, though I blew out a few leds. Most things I’ve read recommend a 20ohm resistor, which seemed insanely low. I ended up going with 100ohm, which gives me a very visible level of brightness. I used four LEDs instead of the typical two.
I also removed the backlight fuse, and cleaned up the electrical tape that was all over the other wires on the portable.
My screen backlight is dead. Do you have a tutorial on how to do this?
Sorry for being so slow to reply to this. I’ll get something up soon, though there’s a decent walkthrough here under the “LED Modding the Screen” section: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-Portable-Game-System/